What is Enterprise Resource Planning Software?
by Nina Davies | June 18, 2021

What is ERP software?
ERP software is not new to the manufacturing industry. However, fashion companies are beginning to see more and more advantages to adopting this cutting-edge system and further digitalizing their supply chains. A system is defined as a set of elements that work or interact together as one unified structure or whole. A system is typically comprised of people, technology, and various processes that are all highly integrated. So what are ERP systems? While ERP is a software solution, it is also a system, as it combines software (technology), the different processes involved in a product lifecycle, and the people that work in these processes.
So what is ERP/enterprise resource planning software solution? Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a streamlined digital solution that organizes and manages all activities involved in a product lifecycle. Businesses use ERP software to collect data in all facets of their supply chain operations to make more accurate and knowledgeable business decisions. By tying different supply chain processes and elements together into one solution, the system can provide a centralized collaborative platform for all parties involved in the product lifecycle to use.
With the rise in e-commerce and drop-shipping in the fashion industry, accurate data is essential for survival. Companies need an ERP system to avoid overproduction, inaccurate trend forecasting, stale data usage and more. According to a TEC Software study, nearly 50% of companies surveyed have an ERP system or are planning to acquire one.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the advantages of an ERP system?
While implementing an ERP system provides accurate data to help avoid a surplus of product and imprecise forecasting, the benefits go on. Some of the many advantages of an ERP include:
–Increased Operational Efficiency
-Increased Inventory Accuracy
-Improved Visibility and Service
-Reduction in Chargebacks
-Master Omnichannel Fulfillment
-Enhanced Collaboration
-Automation of Critical Processes across the supply chain
What are some challenges companies face when acquiring ERP software?
-Scalability: Some ERP systems do not have the ability to change in size or scale with a business. Without a scalable solution, companies must purchase add-on software in the future, or reinvest in a new solution altogether.
-Integration: The wrong ERP solution cannot integrate new applications or systems into the original solution. Companies need an ERP system that can integrate seamlessly with other systems to create a digital supply chain and one collaborative platform.
-Flexibility: Having an ERP that can integrate with other systems and can scale with a business creates a more flexible overall system. Without flexibility, the ERP system may not be able to adapt with the company to fit new needs or embrace challenges in the future.
It is important that an ERP solution can scale with the company. Implementation and integration of an ERP system is “like open heart surgery” for a business, says Exenta CEO Roberto Mangual. Once this complex and advanced system is integrated into all business processes, it needs to be able to scale with the company in the future.
How to use ERP software?
While there are many benefits to adopting an ERP solution, it is important to learn how to use it before it is fully implemented. This helps avoid issues with integration and flexibility. An ERP system is a major investment, and when utilized correctly, it can completely transform a business. Prior to implementation, it is important for a company to review all business processes and solidify what areas need improvement. Another important step in the ERP implementation process is investing in training. A good software company will partner with you and assist you every step of the way before, during and after implementation to avoid any potential issues or bumps in the road. Advanced software systems come with learning curves, and the right company will be there to train and assist as needed, as well as train users on any software updates in the future.
The right ERP for your business
Exenta has highly trained experts armed with application and industry expertise to deliver rapid responses and support resolutions seamlessly. Exenta’s enterprise management systems and staff’s leading-edge technological expertise simplify and optimize IT across business systems and processes. Exenta provides professional consulting and support solutions for Exenta ERP, SHOPFLOOR REVO and PLM REVO, and helps clients navigate technology issues, implement best practices across business functions and stay informed on fashion software trends.
In contrast to big box ERP systems that requires complex customization and integration, Exenta ERP is an industry-focused enterprise solution that manages the entire business and supply chain by spanning traditional software categories. A strong ERP solution with automated and advanced tracking and reporting can deliver to as much as a 20% reduction in administrative labor hours. Exenta has built the most modern, advanced technology in the apparel ERP space, and once implemented, it continues to scale and adapt with your business.
At Exenta, our customers are our partners. Exenta ERP is scalable, flexible, and can integrate with other software solutions, helping you build a dynamic supply chain that will stand the test of time. See how Exenta ERP can transform your supply chain here.