Covercraft Shifts to Making PPE for Healthcare Professionals
by Alexis Borucke | April 17, 2020

At Exenta, we are proud to be part of an industry that is a constant source of inspiration. Across the globe, apparel and sewn goods manufacturers are demonstrating their ability to adapt and innovate in a time of crisis.
Covercraft, Expert in Working with Specialty Fabrics
Exenta’s client Covercraft Industries, a leader in manufacturing Automotive, Marine and Recreational Vehicle protection products, has shifted gears to help fight the Coronavirus Pandemic. President and COO of Covercraft, Clay Callan, stated in a press release, “Covercraft’s expertise in working with non-woven specialty fabrics has allowed us to pivot our operations in the USA from crafting car covers, seat covers, and windshield sunscreens to helping provide hospitals and first responders with personal protective equipment incredibly fast.”
Shopfloor Control MES Supports a Hygienic Manufacturing Process and Increases Productivity
Helping Covercraft navigate this adjustment is Exenta Shopfloor Control (SFC). Our real-time manufacturing solution increases productivity and efficiency, reduces through put time and improves visibility and control. In addition, because Exenta SFC is tablet driven, it helps manufacturers maintain a safer and more hygienic environment for workers. Instead of passing papers or gum sheets down the line, each worker touches their own dedicated tablet to record their work; see photo above for an example of the tablet in use. Exenta system leverages an innovative Android™ app, shown in the image above, management dashboard, and off-the-shelf tablets running on Wi-Fi networking to collect production data and empower workers, supervisors and managers with up to the minute production visibility.
Shift in Production Brings Workers Back to the Shop Floor
Local news outlets covering Covercraft’s shift stated the influx of work has brought back as many as 25 recently furloughed employees. Covercraft’s Director of Marketing, Jeff Jegelewicz spoke with Oklahoma City, News 9 “At current capacity we think we can do about 4,000 units per day with what we have going on right now, but those could change to much larger numbers if the need is there and we can get the workforce back in here.”
Exenta is pleased to play a part in helping Covercraft make the transition to manufacturing needed PPE and in making it possible for employees to work in an environment that mitigates possible exposure to COVID-19.
To learn more about how Exenta’s shop floor control solution can help your company adapt during times of crisis, check out the benefits of a shop floor control system.